Legs & Co. – Them Heavy People

TOTP October 4th 1979: Legs & Co. dance to Kate Bush’s Them Heavy People

From the old blog, Sunday, 13 November 2011:

Here’s updated version of clip I posted long ago: this time, Kid Jensen introduces Legs & Co. dancing to Kate Bush’s Them Heavy People. So with the repeated “rolling the ball” motif, what sorts of outfits could L & C’s designers have dreamed up for this song? Cricket whites? Crown green bowling old ladies with navy blue blazers, pleated white skirts and sensible shoes? Croquet mallets and sensible tweed suits? Ten-pin-bowling fat American slob shirts with slacks and unpleasent bowling alley shoes?

Nope. None of the above. They seem to have just given up, and dressed the girls in skimpy lingerie.

Oh well *sigh* : I suppose that’ll have to do.


PattiforPM said…

A suitably off-beat routine for the wonderful Kate Bush’s music and the ladies look absolutely fine. This is one of the dances that really got me hooked.

13 November 2011 15:27

Suefan said…

Captivating, hook line and sinker. All the girls slink to fine effect but its that little solo at 1.16 that sees my bp go off the scale.
Wise move that the studio audience were kept at a safe distance from such incendiary stuff.

14 November 2011 10:39

74benja81 said…

A Classic performance by Legs and Co here. Love the Nighties! It really compliments their dancing skills, with room to move fluently. This attire is a reminder of the Night Fever dance routine they did in 77/78.Glad the audience are far back, its good to see the girls dancing in full view. Sue looks absolutely exquisite here. The funny thing is, this wonderful Kate Bush song is about finding out and discovering about ones inner self, and she writes about this perfectly. In contrast to this, Legs are dancing to this song very sexy. What a contrast,from Inner to outer. Great quality clip to see. Benja 🙂

30 December 2011 00:37

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