Tag Archives: Andi

Pan’s People – Temma Harbour

Top of the Pops 26 February 1970: Pan’s People dance to Mary Hopkin’s Temma Harbour.

The sixties have been over for a whole eight weeks, but you’d never guess from Mary Hopkins song of tropical idyll, nor from Pan’s People’s performance with flowery-printed fabrics.

Thanks to Andeebee for the Youtube post.

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Pan’s People – Everything’s Tuesday

Top of the Pops, 25 February 1971: Pan’s People dance to Everything’s Tuesday by Chairman of the Board.

From the old blog, Friday, 29 April 2011

Here’s another clip I found on YouTube a while ago: Pan’s People dancing to Chairman of the Board’s Everything’s Tuesday. Thanks to katy miss queenie, who sent me a copy of this routime recently.

I’m no expert on the fashion scene in 1971, so I’ve no idea if there’s a correct term for these trousers they’re wearing. Or the whole suit, even.


Some Guy said…

Sounds like the singers saying` I wanna spank her`, or is that my gutter mind playing tricks with me.
29 April 2011 14:49

jez said…

You said it mate.
29 April 2011 21:07

PattiforPM said…

Strange song, odd outfits, whole thing’s quirky and maybe this is a subcommittee and not the Chairman after all. Maybe your lyrics would be better Ryan
29 April 2011 22:58

My appeal for a definitive period name for these outfits, just so 1971 darling, has had no response, so I’ll have to have a go myself: I’d call them French Flared Culotte Suits.

Archival Fashionistas, please give me a better name as you rush to heap derision upon me.

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Pan’s People – Coconut

Nationwide, BBC 1 3 August 1972: Pan’s People dance to Harry Nilsson’s Coconut.

Nationwide was a weekday teatime magazine / chat show broadcast regularly from 1969 to 1983. Growing to become pretty much a national institution, it’s freewheeling diverse style, coupled with a voracious appetite for material to fill its five-night-a-week slot, meant you could expect to see just about anything. Like for instance, Pan’s People larking around in a sand quarry with cream cakes and coconuts, wearing what I think I referred to in my now-lost old blog post as “colour-blind Uncle Sam carnival outfits”. All apparently to illustrate a feature on healthy eating. Such fun.

Thanks to Andeebee for the YouTube clip.

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Pan’s People – The Clapping Song

Marie-Luise Steinbauer hosts the 1970 German qualifying programme for the Eurovision Song Contest (“Deutsche Vorentscheidung”) “Ein Lied für Amsterdam” (A song for Amsterdam) and introduces two Pans People sequences. 2/2.

Thanks to Andeebee for the information and the YouTube post.

From the old blog, Saturday, 17 December 2011:

Legs has sent me a second Pan’s People performance from German TV’s Eurovision 1970 waiting-for-the-results show. The music here is The Clapping Song: Legs is sure (and I agree) that this version is by Alan Price & Georgie Fame, which makes sense, since Flick and PP worked on their BBC show in 1969. This might even be a repeat of a routine from that show that hasn’t otherwise survived.

It still seems to me that Flick had no information about sets, camera angles and lighting while devising these routines: which explains the slightly stagey, all-in-a-row nature of the choreography. I don’t mean any criticism here: she’s done a creditable job in difficult circumstances. Thanks again to Legs.


Peter Gray said…

Good colourful fun..

17 December 2011 17:49

PattiforPM said…

Another great find. I find myself mainly watching Flick and Louise in this one. Thanks Legs and YMG

17 December 2011 22:57

Suefan said…

I’ll second that. Another great find indeed and in their M&S smalls all six would have caught my roving eye!

18 December 2011 11:44

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Pan’s People – I Want You Back

Top of the Pops 12 February 1970: Pan’s People dance to “I Want You Back” by the Jackson 5.

A superb performance from the 1970 line-up of Pan’s People: exuberant choreography to match the jubilant Jackson 5 hit.

From the old blog, Friday, 5 August 2011:

… this really is a vintage Flick-&-Andi-era Pans People Performance.


carl said…

This is another one I haven’t seen before. I love those 1970 shows. I wish the BBC would recolourise those jan/feb shows that exist then we can see Pans in their all colour glory.

5 August 2011 16:21

PattiforPM said…

Yup Classic Go-Go style and nice outfits to boot. Great to see at least a few of these early Pans performances.

9 August 2011 13:43

Suefan said…

Any Andi is well worth having so thanks YMG.

10 August 2011 23:34

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Pan’s People – Both Sides Now

Top of the Pops, 5 February 1970: Pan’s People dance to Judy Collins’ Both Sides Now.

A fairly muted performance here, to a middle-tempo folk-pop classic. Pan’s People uncharacteristically covered up in big patterned frocks with bags of smocking. When I posted this routine on the original blog I described the dresses as “Laura Ashley”, but on looking again, the style might be right for LA, but the fabric patterns don’t look traditional enough. If we only had a colour version of this recording to look at, that would settle it.

Thanks to panspeople.com for the youtube post.

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Pan’s People – Vehicle

Pan’s People dance to Vehicle by The Ides of March,
From German TV Show London Aktuell: 8th November 1970

Here’s a Pan’s People rarity, spotted by Alan M on YouTube.

Nothing says 1970 like fringe tops and loon pants.

Can anyone identify the location? From the show title, I would guess it’s London. The cobblestones might narrow it down a little, though perhaps there were more cobbled streets in 1970 London than remain now.

Thanks again to Alan M for this rare treat.

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Pan’s People – Funky Street

The Lulu Show, 1 February 1969: Pan’s People dance, Lulu sings Funky Street.

From the old blog, Tuesday 7 February 2012:

Here’s a rarity, posted by Flight14 over at panspeople.com. It’s Pan’s People on Lulu’s* TV show, Happening for Lulu on February 1 1969, dancing to Lulu’s Funky Street along with a couple of blokes.

Quality is not the best, and we mostly only get wide shots of the dancers, but I reckon it’s the full 1969 line-up. Thanks to Flight14 and pp.com for the clip.

*Not that one.


PattiforPM said…

Thanks for this YMG/F14. Great to see the sixties PP in all their glory even from a distance. Also forgot how cute the young Lulu was and what a powerful voice she had.
7 February 2012 13:47

Some Guy said…

I notice that Pans are performing here with Male dancers. I do not profess to be a Pans expert by any stretch of the imagination, so id like to know if this was a rare occurence or was it a common sight on shows of this nature ? Did Pans ever get lumbered with male dancers on TOTPs, i would have thought not ?
7 February 2012 20:41

Suefan said…

A fine voice but would you have trusted her at the wheel of your getaway car?
7 February 2012 23:03

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Pan’s People – Here, There and Everywhere

Another Clip from The Price of Fame, here’s Alan Price singing the Beatles’ Here, There and Everywhere while Pan’s People dance.

From the old blog, Sunday, 10 April 2011:


jez said…

great work done by pans: if only the beeb had kept their totp performances from this year.
12 April 2011 14:01

PattiforPM said…

Yes what lovely silhouettes they make. It does make you want to unwipe those TOTP episodes
12 April 2011 18:41

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Pan’s People – Get Back *

Marie-Luise Steinbauer hosts the 1970 German qualifying programme for the Eurovision Song Contest (“Deutsche Vorentscheidung”) “Ein Lied für Amsterdam” (A song for Amsterdam) and introduces two Pans People sequences. 1/2.

Watch on google drive

Thanks to Andeebee for the information and the YouTube post.

From the old blog: Monday, 12 December 2011

Here’s a rare non-TOTP Pan’s People performance: from 1970, on German TV, dancing to The Beatles’ Get Back.

The occasion is the Eurovision Song Contest: back in those dark analogue days, there was always a break of about half an hour between the performance and the vote counting parts of the event. In 1970, the German’s seem to have had the good taste to invite Pan’s People to dance as part of this hiatus show.

The choreography is pretty understated, but we can assume from the nature of the event that Flick would probably have had to create a routine “blind”, i.e. without any say in or information about size and decor of the set, and number and angles of cameras: possibly without even a lighting or camera rehearsal.

Many thanks to discussion-board regular Legs, who sent me this rare routine via the widget (at the bottom of this page). He’s sent another performance from the same event, which I’ll post soon.


Suefan said…

Basic moves yes, but any material with Andi and Flick is a real treat and no mistake so many thanks guys. Loved the well mannered audience almost as much as those great outfits and the next dance with the girl in the pale pink top is mine. I’ve a few moves of my own I could show her!

12 December 2011 14:36

PattiforPM said…

Great to see a PP performance I have never seen before, thanks indeed

12 December 2011 17:25

Some Guy said…

Now this is a real treat. Crystal clear quality colour viewing from way back when. Keep your eyes on Dee Dee during this, she is superb, absolutely faultless. Thanks go to YMG and Legs for uploading this gem. Hey Legs, we havent heard from you on the forum in ages, come and say hello.

12 December 2011 17:34

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