Here’s a sad occasion: Legs & Co. in their last-ever Top of the Pops appearance: and they’re relegated to dancing within the audience, while Haircut 100 perform Favourite Shirts (Boy Meets Girl). Thanks again to PattiforPM for the clip.
carl said…
sorry just wiping the tears from my eyes… If you are going to go out there are worse songs to go out to. Always liked Haircut 100.
22 August 2011 18:34
PattiforPM said…
The song is quite good I agree but Patti Hammond vs Nick Heyward = no contest.
23 August 2011 14:31
Some Guy said…
Yes the `coup de grâce` is being delivered here. So sad, but at least they were put out of their misery and didnt have the indignity of being forced to go into 1982 and beyond in TOTPs land. With its tinsel and balloons, giant flags and bleached blonde eye candy strew around the place. Yes it was a good time to end, thankyou to Gillian,Lulu,Patti,Pauline,Rosie,Sue and laterly Anita. Five years of great memories for all of us.
23 August 2011 20:40
carl said…
Totp was still good up until 1986, I do like the party atmosphere but times were changing musically and socially and I am not sure if the girls would have fitted in with the style of show 1982 and beyond
23 August 2011 20:45
PattiforPM said…
I see your point but it’s hard for me to accept that beautiful ladies dancing with character, grace and skill for a fine choreographer could not have lasted a few more good years. Management and arguably the fine choreographer may have agreed with you though carl.
24 August 2011 04:29
Suefan said…
These last few appearances are like a team playing out time but at least it would have been like money for old rope for the girls.
24 August 2011 11:11
74benja81 said…
The BBC, well what can I say, a great disappointment! How caring for them to put and class this as Legs and Co’s last dance routine on TOTP. If you can call it that, behind Haircut 100, nothing against them I liked them, not so much this song though. They could have gone out with a deserved class song from October 81, a lot to choose from,for instances as examples have suggested, Rod Stewart’s Tonight I’m yours, to a full dance routine with just Legs alone. I agree with a lot of the comments posted for this clip. Maybe the sudden end for Legs was the best choice,a cloud with a silver lining rather than a gradual disappearing act,going into the mid eighties with the balloons, peroxide blondes, and big permed hair period, hiding Legs and Co away even more. Legs and Co were beautiful and natural not like the above. This is something I wouldn’t have said that long ago. This choice was probably a blessing in disguise. The period Legs and Co were suited too in my opinion were the classiest golden times ,that I will take to the grave with me. Thanks for the memories, and a Lovely, Joyful, and Watchful experience Anita, Gillian, Lulu, Patti, Pauline, Rosie, and not forgetting the Super Dance Trouper beautiful Sue Menhenick. Thanks for this sad but learned post. Benja 🙁
15 December 2011 22:53