Lena’s Music 8 August 1979: Flick Colby’s Ruby Flipper dance,
while Lena Martell sings All You Need is The Music.
Thanks again to Andeebee for the YouTube post.
From the old blog, Wednesday, 30 November 2011
Another clip featuring the revived Ruby Flipper, performing on the Lena Martell Show. Here Lena perform’s Neil Sedaka’s All You Need is the Music while the Flipperers dance, and we get some slightly eighties analogue video solarization effects.
Helpfully, the dancers are named in this clip, so I can finally identify the blokes as David, Nick and Okon. That’s a weight off my mind. Thanks as ever to PattiforPM, who contributed this clip.
Carl said…
This show was really good publicity for Lena Martell and clearly raised her profile enormously,as a couple of short months after the series finished she scored her huge hit ‘One Day at a Time’
It’s a pity not more time is focused on the dancers, but of course it has to be Lena who is front and centre during these routines.
30 November 2011 14:28Some Guy said…
Thanks for these clips PattiforPm. Love your girls back arch during her highlighted spot, she sure was a top dancer.
30 November 2011 19:50Sweet English chicks fan said…
Well this is a find, well done P4PM.
Did people at the time really think this stuff was worth watching? I dont see any dancing or drama or comedy or great emotion or glamour to this routine, just our fine girls doing someone a favour as backing in front of a few old washing machines. Strange folks TV executives.
30 November 2011 20:19PattiforPM said…
Yes Some Guy, that Limbo move of Patti’s really caught my eye. These Lena shows are really low key with silence between songs/acts and Lena’s quiet introductions and rather reserved delivery. I still think the dancers are worth watching despite all this and hope you all agree.
1 December 2011 00:17