Legs & Co. – It’s A Love Thing

Top of the Pops, 26 March 1981: Legs & Co. dance to It’s A Love Thing by The Whispers.

Watch on YouTube.

Legs & Co dance around and upon a clump of plinths sitting on a giant checkerboard. A nice undemanding bit of choreography to a nice, undemandingly competent disco hit of the time.

I can’t seem to find any record of this routine appearing on the old blog. The Whispers, as a fairly successful US soul/disco act, lacked the resources to travel internationally to promote their records: so they were one of Legs & Co.’s regular sources of dance material. Of course back in 1981 the video revolution was poised to change all that, removing the need for pop TV shows to maintain groups of expensive professional dancers, to provide visuals while the music played.

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