The Lulu Show, 1 February 1969: Pan’s People dance, Lulu sings Funky Street.
From the old blog, Tuesday 7 February 2012:
Here’s a rarity, posted by Flight14 over at It’s Pan’s People on Lulu’s* TV show, Happening for Lulu on February 1 1969, dancing to Lulu’s Funky Street along with a couple of blokes.
Quality is not the best, and we mostly only get wide shots of the dancers, but I reckon it’s the full 1969 line-up. Thanks to Flight14 and for the clip.
*Not that one.
PattiforPM said…
Thanks for this YMG/F14. Great to see the sixties PP in all their glory even from a distance. Also forgot how cute the young Lulu was and what a powerful voice she had.
7 February 2012 13:47Some Guy said…
I notice that Pans are performing here with Male dancers. I do not profess to be a Pans expert by any stretch of the imagination, so id like to know if this was a rare occurence or was it a common sight on shows of this nature ? Did Pans ever get lumbered with male dancers on TOTPs, i would have thought not ?
7 February 2012 20:41Suefan said…
A fine voice but would you have trusted her at the wheel of your getaway car?
7 February 2012 23:03