Top of the Pops 31 August 1973:
Pan’s People dance to I Think of You by the Detroit Emeralds.
Every time I get despondent and think “That’s it! I’ll never get another new routine to share,” another generous soul proves me wrong. Hurrah!
An what a great routine this is: it’s oozing with literal choreography – which is a good thing. (If you don’t like literal choreography, go away and look at a Ballet Rambert site or something.) My favourite bit of literal? Louise pointing to her biceps for the line “makes me strong” (0:32).
All the dancers seem to be enjoying this light hearted routine, particularly Dee Dee’s faux forgetfullness. The whole thing feels well-rehearsed and tightly executed.
The outfits are great, but as usual my clothing vocabularly is sadly not up to a proper description. Flamenco trousers perhaps? But they’re one-piece: so flamenco catsuits? Surely not flamenco dungarees? And what do you call the scarf bra bit? I’m flailing around here, language-wise. Will some knowledgable person please comment and correct me?
Many thanks to the anonymous donor who supplied this marvelous bit of Pan’s People history.