Tag Archives: Louise

Pan’s People – I Think of You

Top of the Pops 31 August 1973:
Pan’s People dance to I Think of You by the Detroit Emeralds.

Every time I get despondent and think “That’s it! I’ll never get another new routine to share,” another generous soul proves me wrong. Hurrah!

An what a great routine this is: it’s oozing with literal choreography – which is a good thing. (If you don’t like literal choreography, go away and look at a Ballet Rambert site or something.) My favourite bit of literal? Louise pointing to her biceps for the line “makes me strong” (0:32).

All the dancers seem to be enjoying this light hearted routine, particularly Dee Dee’s faux forgetfullness. The whole thing feels well-rehearsed and tightly executed.

The outfits are great, but as usual my clothing vocabularly is sadly not up to a proper description. Flamenco trousers perhaps? But they’re one-piece: so flamenco catsuits? Surely not flamenco dungarees? And what do you call the scarf bra bit? I’m flailing around here, language-wise. Will some knowledgable person please comment and correct me?

Many thanks to the anonymous donor who supplied this marvelous bit of Pan’s People history.

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Pan’s People – You Can Do Magic

Top of the Pops, 3 August 1973: Pan’s People dance to You Can Do Magic by Limmie & Family Cookin’.

Hooray! Here’s another rare Pan’s People performance, Thanks to one of my generous anonymous donors.

A happy, energetic performance, with simple video overlay effects multiplying the dancers, invoking the “Magic” in the song title. This clip is only black & white, where the original broadcast would have been in colour: but the limited dark background, and the strong geometric diamond pattern of their off-the-shoulder dresses makes the performance easily watchable.

There are a few seconds missing from the end of the number (and perhaps one or two at the start): but since we’ed probably never get a chance to see this performance otherwise, I’m most grateful to the nameless provider. Many thanks.

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Ruby Flipper – A Fifth of Beethoven

Top of the Pops, 29 July 1976:
Ruby Flipper dance to A Fifth of Beethoven by Walter Murphy and his Big Apple Band.

Since this is based on a piece of classical music, presenter David Hamilton starts of with a variation on that all-time classic corny “just-flew-in … arms tired” gag so beloved of stand-up comedians.

Thanks to Andeebee for the YouTube post.

From the old blog, Wednesday, 10 march 2010:

More Ruby Flipper on TOTP, on the 29th of July 1976. The music is A Fifth of Beethoven by Walter Murphy and the Big Apple Band, a bit of kitschy funked-up classical fluff used in Saturday Night Fever.

Oh my! This clip has got me in quite a quandry. I just can’t decide who has the best legs. What do you think?


Carl said…

and Shhhhhhhh! Let’s enjoy music and picture co-ordination while it lasts for this routine.
Finally a chance to see the authentic version of the Flipsters routine in it’s full uncensored glory.
Who’d have thought even Beethoven could be put into a disco groove – with great success!
16 January 2011 00:12

PattiforPM said…

Let me think – Patti has the best legs YMG
30 April 2011 02:43

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Pan’s People – Spanish Eyes

Top of the Pops 20 July 1973: Pan’s People dance to Spanish Eyes by Al Martino

Here’s a rare Pan’s People routine that I posted to the old blog in August 2014. A mixture of conventional camera-angle shots in big flouncy laura-ashley style flowery fabric evening gowns, with Busby Berkeley-esque bird’s-eye view mandala shots in skimpier outfits.

With lots of lingering close ups of Louise. Why Louise? Well I don’t have any colour pictures of her that are good enough for definitive evidence, but I believe she might be the only member of PP with blue eyes and dark (i.e. typically Spanish) hair: so she would fit the song lyric best. Can any experts out there confirm her eye colour?

Many thanks again to the anonymous donor.

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Pan’s People – River Deep, Mountain High

Top of the Pops 1 July 1971: Pan’s People dance to River Deep, Mountain High by The Supremes & The Four Tops.

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Pans People – Le Plus Difficile

Beat! Beat! Beat! 7 November 1968: Pans People dance as Jacques Dutronc sings Le Plus Difficile.

English dancers, French singer, German pops TV show: here’s an example of European co-operation from 1968, making it one of the earliest Pan’s People routines we have available.

Thanks to Andeebee for the YouTube post.

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Pan’s People & Lulu – Mercy

The Lulu Show, 1969: Pan’s People & Lulu dance to Willie Mitchell’s Mercy.

From the old blog, Tuesday, 1 July 2014:

Thanks to my anonymous contributor, here’s another Pan’s people performance from The Lulu Show. This time Lulu herself is dancing with them, along with two blokes whose names I don’t have.

As Lulu says in her (slightly cheesy) introduction, the funky instrumental they’re dancing to here is Willie Mitchell’s Mercy.

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Pan’s People – Yesterday

Two Ronnies, Series 3, Episode 3, 25 October 1973:
Pan’s People dance to Yesterday by José Feliciano.

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Pan’s People – It’s a Sin to Tell a Lie

Pan’s People – It’s a Sin to Tell a Lie

Thanks to Andeebee for the YouTube post.

From the old blog, Sunday, 18 September 2011

Here’s another rare Pan’s People appearance from their regular gig on John Denver”s 1973 BBC light entertainment series, Babs dressed as an angel leads the audience participation, while JD sings “It’s a Sin to Tell a Lie” (an old Fats Waller number). The rest of Pan’s People join in on kazoos, wearing rather silly devil’s-horns headgear.

Apologies for the ropey video quality, but with material this rare, I doubt we’ll see any better. Thanks to the modest anonymous donor, who sent me this a while ago.


Suefan said…

Thanks YMG, rare stuff indeed.

18 September 2011 16:51

PattiforPM said…

Thanks for this YMG. The ladies did really seem to have fun doing the JD show to me. I love Ruth’s fumbling of the Kazoo too.

26 September 2011 01:25

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Pan’s People – Girl Talk

The Jack Jones Show, 20th January 1974:
Pan’s People bathe while Jack sings Girl Talk.

From the old blog, Friday, 11 July 2014:

Here’s a Pan’s People routine that’s definitely from The Jack Jones Show. I can be sure of it, because Jack himself is in it. Lucky old Jack gets to sit around in a Middle Eastern boudoir and sing “Girl Talk” while Pan’s People take a leisurely bath. What, no dancing?

But soon enough they’re climbing out of the bath and into towels, with some nifty camera movements protecting their modesty. Then there’s a little pause to adjust those towels. Actually it’s quite a long pause. What’s going on?

Aha! One by one, the towels are cast aside to reveal fabulously skimpy harem belly-dancer-type outfits. Now the general arabian nights decor is staring to make sense. And the dancing begins. From the same edition of the Jack Jones Show, as the Life is What You Make It clip I posted last week, broadcast 20th January 1974.

I’m grateful to two contributors who both separately sent me this clip: my recent anonymous donor, and long-time contributor PattiforPM. Since the anonymous version has an electronic timecode in picture, I’ve posted PattiforPM’s timecode free version.

Why the coincidence? I can only assume that they were both sitting watching Top of the Pops last week, eagerly awaiting Legs & Co., when this Dave Edmunds number reminded them of something…

My thanks to both Anonymous and PattiforPM for their time and generosity.


mojo2007 said…

As A 14 year old I saw Kismet in London, my love of fake Arabian outfits dates from that show. OK there’s not much dancing but I don’t care.
11 July 2014 16:24

Young Mister Grace said…

Thanks mojo: if you like this, you’ll love this scene from the Monkee’s movie, “Head”:
11 July 2014 16:29

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