Tag Archives: Love Machine

Introducing … The Love Machine

I’ve no Pans, Legs or Ruby Flipper anniversary material today: so instead, here’s something different.

The Benny Hill Show. February 18th 1976: Benny introduces The Love Machine

Hill’s Angels were easily Benny Hill’s Best known dance group: their raison d’etre being an extension of Benny’s policy of decorating his traditional light-entertainment humourous fair with pretty girls at every opportunity. But before the Angels took up residence on the Show, other dance acts had appeared: immediately proceding Hills Angels were Hot Gossamer, their name demonstrating the transparent parody of Hot Gossip they were. Hot Gossamer themselves were mostly dancers from Dee Dee Wilde’s post TOTP incarnation of Pan’s People. who had previously appeared on Benny Hill’s show.

But before all that came The Love Machine, an existing dance quartet (later expanded to five) who appeared on the show in 1976 and 1977.

The choreography and outfits here share the Light Entertainment and Variety origins of Benny’s humour: sequin-heavy outfits, and stagey proscenial choerography. As with most of Benny’s dance material, this is as much about titillation than it is about music or dance.

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