Tag Archives: Mary

Pan’s People – Rodrigo’s Guitar Concerto

Top of the Pops, 12 February 1976: Pan’s People dance to Rodrigo’s Guitar Concerto De Aranjuez (Theme From 2nd Movement) by Manuel & the Music of the Mountains.

Let’s listen in on the TOTP production meeting for that week… in my imagination:

BBC Bloke 1: Okay, ELO, Guys & Dolls, Slik… we’ve got all the bands booked: what about the Pan’s People Number?

BBC Bloke 2: Well “Low Rider” by War is up to Number 15: that’s a great, funky danceable number: the Osibisa song “Sunshine Day” has a good groove.

BBC Bloke 3: And Slade’s “Let’s Call it Quits” is a new entry: Pan’s People always do well with a bit of raunchy Rock’n’Roll…

BBC Bloke 1: Yes, they all sound great. But wait a minute: isn’t this the week Lesley Judd is joining them for a feature? We can’t do anything too suggestive if it’s going out on Blue Peter too.

BBC Bloke 2: Damn! I forgot about that: Okay, what about the boring classical guitar thing? It’s dead unsexy. We can put them in smocky ethnic outfits with big dresses.

BBC Bloke 1: Okay, that’ll do nicely.

From the old blog, Friday, 19 August 2011

Here’s Blue Peter’s Lesley Judd making a special guest appearance with Pan’s People, for a Blue Peter feature, dancing to Rodrigo’s Guitar Concerto by Manuel & His Music of the Moutains. Another gift from PattiforPM: many thanks.


carl said…

another fantastic upload. cheers
19 August 2011 20:53

Some Guy said…

…the wonderful Sue…
20 August 2011 06:37

Suefan said…

And such a sexy senorita too – too much vino El YMG! Another great dance routine from Flick and the girls. Great stuff.
20 August 2011 08:44

mojo2007 said…

a real rare one. lovely.
20 August 2011 21:15

PattiforPM said…

I love this one too. Smooth action and would have looked good on location at Machu Picchu.
23 August 2011 14:33

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Pan’s People – Midnight Rider

Top of the Pops, 22 January 1976:
Pan’s People dancing to Paul Davidson’ Midnight Rider.

Pan’s People wearing spangly midriff-baring showgirl/cowgirl outfits, dancing to Paul Davidson’s reggae cover version of the Allman Brothers’ Midnight Rider.

I’m sure I have to thank someone generous for sending me this rare gem of a clip: unfortunately I can’t remember who. Please get in touch, and I’ll give you a credit.

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Pan’s People – Itchycoo Park

Top of the Pops, 8 January 1976:
Pan’s People dance to Itchycoo Park by The Small Faces.

Late period Pan’s People relive the sixties dancing to a Small Faces classic, around a giant mushroom, wearing groovy crocheted shawls. Topped and tailed with Noel Edmonds demonstrating that he truly was the TOTP Bad Pun Champion.

Thanks top Andeebee for the YouTube post (and to Vintage Video who supplied him with the clip).

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Pan’s People – In Dulce Jubilo

Top of the Pops, 1 January 1976: Pan’s People dance to Mike Oldfield’s In Dulce Jubilo

A suitably folksy routine, since this Mike Oldfield number is a traditional folk tune electrified. Plenty of gusto.

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Pan’s People – I Can’t Give You Anything

Top of the Pops Christmas Day Special, 25 December 1975:
Pan’s people dance to the Stylistics’ I Can’t Give You Anything

A classic christmas-themed routine, as Pan’s People perform in giant ribbon-bow outfits on a giant wrapped christmas present. Plenty of Busby Berkeley style birds-eye view shots.

From the old blog, Saturday, 9 May 2009:

Pan’s People on the Top of the Pops 1975 Christmas Special, dancing to the Stylistics’ I Can’t Give You Anything. With a cheesy introduction from Noel Edmunds and Tony Blackburn.

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Pan’s People – Paperback Writer

Top of the Pops, 8 April 1976: Pan’s People dance to Paperback Writer by The Beatles.

Cherry, Mary, Ruth and Sue dance among paperback book racks of the sort only now seen in charity shops, clutching open books.

In early 1976, EMI re-launched* all of their Beatles singles catalogue, along with a new single release of Yesterday (already a hit in America in 1965, it was only originally released as an album and EP track in the UK). Here’s one of the couple that made it into the charts on relaunch, the 1966 hit Paperback Writer. The song had been kept alive in the public’s ear through its use as a theme tune to Read All About It, Melvyn Bragg’s BBC book review programme.

* Realunched, as opposed to re-released: all the singles had remained available in the EMI catalogue since their original release: none had been deleted.

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Pan’s People – Silver Star

Top of The Pops, 29 April 1976: Pan’s People dance to the Four Seasons’ Silver Star.

Thanks to Andeebee for the YouTube post.

Pan’s People’s final appearance on Top of the Pops, feature an emotional solo performance from Ruth, in the slow middle section.

From the old blog, Wednesday, 5 November 2008:

Pan’s People dance to the Four Seasons’ Silver Star: their last appearance on Top of The Pops, in April 1976.


74benja81 said…

I think this is Pans people’s last dance on TOTP, not sure though. Then Ruby Flipper took the lead for a little time in 1976. The fist time I saw this clip in 76, Ruth looks really upset, close to tears doing her solo dance, I was always wondering why this was so, until I saw this clip on UK Gold in 1993, then I found out it was her last dance was Pans. Her being upset, shows her total commitment and love of being with Pans and being a dancer. Have to mention, A very young Sue looks cute hear as always, and matured beautifully every year. Nice post. Benja 🙂
15 December 2011 21:35

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Pan’s People: All-Time Top Twenty Countdown

Here’s a treat, in the style of a seventies TOTP chart rundown: The All-Time Top Twenty Pan’s People routines, as chosen by OFTD Forum members.

My thanks to Forum regulars VintageVideos and Legsfan, who have put this compilation together.

…And look our for their extra Valentine’s Day surprise at the end…

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Pan’s People – Space Oddity

Top of the Pops 23 December 1975:
Pan’s People dance to Space Oddity by Davis Bowie.

Preceded by a pot calling a kettle black.

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Pan’s People – Big Spender

The Morecombe & Wise Show Christmas Day 1975:
Eric, Ernie and Pans People dance to Big Spender.

Thanks to Andeebee for the YouTube post.

From the old blog, Saturday, 2 June 2012

Here’s Pan’s People making a guest appearance on Morecambe & Wise’s 1975 Christmas Special. They’re dancing with the boys while Brenda Arnau sings Big Spender.

In a style M & W often used, the routine starts as an apparently straight music number, focusing on the singer: only after two minutes have passed, about halfway through the performance, do the boys appear, dressed as sleazy showgirls a la Sweet Charity, amongst Pan’s People. Since the boys are the stars, obviously the camera stays on them: unfortunately as the routine is mimicking the Sweet Charity all-in-a-line choreography, that means we barely get to see Sue and Cherry at the ends of the line: only Ruth and Mary, right next to M & W, get much camera time.


PattiforPM said…

Yup Mary and Ruth are visible but far too little of the other three ladies here. I think Ernie looks hotter than Eric “by a hair”! Pans could have done such a steamy routine to this on their own….
2 June 2012 22:06

Some Guy said…

Good to see Mary getting some camera time. I like her outfit, she looks like an extra from Austin Powers.
2 June 2012 22:16

Suefan said…

Something of a travesty to crop the view in such a way without so much as a single Pan shot down the chorus line!
10 June 2012 10:06

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