Tag Archives: Patti

Legs & Co. – Black Betty

TOTP 27th October 1977: Legs & Co. dancing to Ram Jam’s Black Betty.

Thanks to ASmK for the YouTube post.

From the old blog: Saturday, 15 November 2008

Legs & Co. on TOTP, dancing to Ram Jam’s cover version of Leadbelly’s blues classic, Black Betty.


Some Guy said…

Sexy or what. Nice Lulu scene at 0.49.
19 November 2010 19:30

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Legs & Co. – Sweet Talkin’ Woman

TOTP 26 October 1978: Legs & Co. dance to ELO’s Sweet Talkin’ Woman

From the old blog, Wednesday, 1 June 2011:

Legs & Co. dancing to ELO’s Sweet Talkin’ Woman. Thanks to Bucksby for sending this clip.


Suefan said…

Thanks guys. Another inventive effort from Flick and the girls. Like the hats but not one of my favourite Legs dances to an ELO number.

2 June 2011 08:30

PattiforPM said…

This one’s starting to grow on me a bit with the quirky outfits and subdued expressions. Odd but enjoyable I’d say

3 June 2011 01:02

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Legs & Co. – My Forbidden Lover

TOTP 25th October 1979: Legs & Co. dancing to Chic’s My Forbidden Lover.

From the old blog, Sunday, 27 February 2011:

Legs & Co. dancing to Chic’s My Forbidden Lover, on Top of the Pops. Dig those shiny electric blue disco trousers! A mystery contribution: many thanks to Bonanza, who sent it.


PattiforPM said…

Thanks Bonanza/YMG. These ladies certainly know how to do Disco and those trousers are distracting to say the least.

27 February 2011 18:26

Suefan said…

You are on a roll at the moment YMG with a veritable bonanza of great stuff. In those trousers the girls sure make the sparks fly. No need for shock therapy after that little number.

27 February 2011 20:01

74benja81 said…

Great post Bonanza! This is probably my favourite Legs and Co dance routine and clip, as I haven’t seen it since it was aired back in 1978/79. Sue looks the bizz in these tight shiny electric blue trousers. Nice post. Benja πŸ™‚

6 December 2011 23:21

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Legs & Co. β€” D.I.S.C.O.

TOTP, 23 October 1980: Legs & Co. dancing to Ottowan’s D.I.S.C.O.

From the old blog: Monday, 6 April 2009

Legs & Co. on Top of the Pops, dancing to Ottowa’s D.I.S.C.O., in Tartan Miniskirts, white cowboy boots and shiny white strapless tops. Introduced by the Corny Hairflake.

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Legs & Co. – Queen of My Soul

TOTP, 21 October 1976: Legs & Co. dance to The Average White Band’s Queen of My Soul.

From the old blog: Monday, 20 October 2014

…this is the first Top of the Pops appearance of “Legs & Co.”, before they had even settled on that name. So of course we start of with the cameras concentrating on our new dancers: Rosie, Pauline, and Gill.

All together a fairly laid-back routine, to a fairly sedate example of blue-eyed soul from those Dunfermline Caucasians, The Average White Band. Originally broadcast 21 October 1976.

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Legs & Co. – Calling Occupants of Interplanetary Craft

TOTP: 20th October 1977: Legs & Co. dancing to the Carpemters’ Calling Occupants of Interplanetary Craft.

TOTP2 Version from lulupatti&sue

From the old blog, Monday, 13 December 2010:

Here’s Legs & Co. dancing to the Carpemters’ slightly kooky Calling Occupants of Interplanetary Craft. The girls are all wearing different outfits here: I can’t see any common thread, but that’s not surprising when the song is so weird.

It’s from TOTP2, so there’s the usual annoying block of trivia text obscuring the screen for a large chunk of the performance. And even more annoyingly, it’s discussing a different version of the song, by a different group. And it’s blocking a particularly fine example of Patti’s high-kicking too. Aargh.

Thanks to lulupatti&sue for the clip. The quality is not the best, but it’s a great routine, and one I haven’t seen before. Of course if anyone has a better quality version of the clip, please get in touch.


PattiforPM said…

YMG you are quite right this is a prime example of the TOTP2 butchering of clips. Why not put the useless block of info somewhere unobtrusive on the screen?? Still seeing the girls in these outfits is good for the soul no matter what so thanks a bunch
14 December 2010 01:59

Some Guy said…

Ymg and Pattiforpm. Love your subtle dig at the BBC`s totp 2. Reminds me of the other day when i received my reprimand. Ha,ha. Of course your dead right though. This clip was also ruined by the sight of the big hairy yeti popping up. Oh yeah i think Patti got the best cossie !

14 December 2010 22:18

Niall young said…

I remember seeing this when it was broadcast! …and yes, Patti’s costume was the best… fabulous stuff and I for one wonder when the BBC or other will produce a DVD featuring this and the best of PP, L&C… RF etc… we can only dream I guesss. so big thank you for sharing this ! πŸ™‚

24 April 2012 12:59

Improved version from PattiforPM

From the old blog, Thursday, 24 February 2011:

I posted a version of Calling Occupants of Interplanetary Craft a while ago, that LuluPatti&Sue had sent me. Picture quality wasn’t all that great, and as a TOTP2 clip, it had big chunks of graphics spoiling our view of the performance.

Now PattiforPM has kindly sent in a much better version of the routine, without the graphical clutter. So now we can have a clear view of the whole performance, including those fantastic high kicks of Patti’s. Yippee!


Suefan said…

Another intriguing costume mix. A little more of my favourite hardball Tiger would not have gone amiss but hey, at least we’ve got to 1st base.
25 February 2011 00:18

PattiforPM said…

Personally I’m a Hockey fan and I’ve never wanted to cross the “Blue Line” so badly in a “Powerplay”

25 February 2011 00:23

Suefan said…

Well one can dream of a home run even if one strikes out.

25 February 2011 11:06

donna said…

great stuff and thanks p4pm

25 February 2011 14:41

Some Guy said…

Thanks for this P4Pm, so much better without the totp2 nonsense all over it.

25 February 2011 17:38

jez said…

This routine is always good to see … a whole lot better without the totp2 captions

25 February 2011 18:37

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Legs & Co. – MacArthur Park

19 October 1978 Legs & Co. dance to Donna Summer’s MacArthur Park.

Thanks to ASmK for the YouTube post.

From the old blog: Monday, 24 February 2014:

He’s another BBC4 repeat upgrade for a routine originally posted in UK Gold VHS form. Legs & Co. dance to Donna Summer’s version of “MacArthur Park” written by Jimmy Webb and originally a hit for Richard Harris.

A suitably weird bit of choreography for a weird song: Pauline, Gill and Lulu start are dressed up as branches of a huge tree that Lulu dances around, waving a literal cake about, in full cutey-pie mode with a big white bow in her hair. The yellow dress is a bit more lyrical literalness, though the yellow dress the song refers to is cotton, while Lulu’s appears to be some sort of sparkly stuff. LamΓ© perhaps?

Things get a bit less weird once the disco beat kicks in after a minute or so, and everyone but Lulu appears sans branches in a bit of video overlay.

If you enjoy Jimmy Webb’s brand of baroque pop weirdness, I recommend Richard Harris’s performance of “The Hive“: it still gives me the shivers. “In the parking lot, they’re lettering a sign…”

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Legs & Co. – Woman In Love

Top of the Pops 16 October 1980: Legs & Co. dance to Barbara Streisand’s Woman In Love.

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Ruby Flipper – Play That Funky Music

TOTP 14 October 1976: Ruby Flipper dance to Play That Funky Music by Wild Cherry

“Diddy” David Hamilton can give old Tony B and Noel a run for their money, when it comes to the Crap Joke Deejay Cup.

From the old blog: Monday, 26 July 2010

Ruby Flipper – Play That Funky Music
Don’t worry chums, I’m not dead! (crosses fingers to avert hubris) Here’s Ruby Flipper dancing to Wild Cherry’s Play That Funky Music on Top of the Pops.

Another clip from German TV channel Einsfestival.


Some Guy said…

This was there last apperance On totp, and arguably there best. BBC bigwigs put a stop to there fun. I thought they were pretty cool,even Floyd and phillip were alluring in a strange sort of way. But we got legs and co at the expense of these.

13 November 2010 22:47

Carl said…

The end of an era! But they went out with one of their best dances.
Thank you Floyd, Lulu, Patti, Phil and Sue, Thank you Ruby Flipper.

20 January 2011 19:28

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Legs & Co – The Greatest Love of All

13 October 1977: Legs & Co dance to The Greatest Love of All by George Benson.

At an Oh-Eff-Tee-Dee social gathering the other day, I was shocked to hear someone nominate this as their least favourite Legs & Co. routine. Really? But this is surely the most perfect marriage of the arts of choreography and semaphore? Only a matter of opinion, I know.

Perhaps some fluent semaphore reader could reveal the no-doubt highly profound hidden message in these gestures.

And how pleasant to hear George Benson’s version of this song. So smooth, so light, so free of the hystrionic caterwauling that ruin some later versions.

Thanks to Andeebee for the YouTube post.

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