Legs & Co. – Jungle Rock

Top of the Pops Christmas Day Special 1976: Legs & Co. dance to Hank Mizell’s Jungle Rock.

Thanks to Andeebee for the YouTube post.

From the old blog, Tuesday, 21 September 2010:

It’s turning into Christmas replay month here on OFTDs: now we have Legs & Co dancing to Hank Mizell’s masterpiece, where a mere few month before, Pan’s People had done the same.

Everything has changed: where PP wore white-hunter khaki and carried blunderbuses, L&C are taking the Jungle clichés as far as they can without actual putting on the full Al Jolson. Cannibalism! But hey it’s only ironic: and it’s only Tony “Charisma Vacuum” Blackburn in the cooking put, not like, some real human being.

A entirely different aging batch of animal costumes here, compared to which the PP routine animal outfits look positively Kubrickian.

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