Tag Archives: Cherry

Pan’s People – Yesterday

Two Ronnies, Series 3, Episode 3, 25 October 1973:
Pan’s People dance to Yesterday by José Feliciano.

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Pan’s People – It’s a Sin to Tell a Lie

Pan’s People – It’s a Sin to Tell a Lie

Thanks to Andeebee for the YouTube post.

From the old blog, Sunday, 18 September 2011

Here’s another rare Pan’s People appearance from their regular gig on John Denver”s 1973 BBC light entertainment series, Babs dressed as an angel leads the audience participation, while JD sings “It’s a Sin to Tell a Lie” (an old Fats Waller number). The rest of Pan’s People join in on kazoos, wearing rather silly devil’s-horns headgear.

Apologies for the ropey video quality, but with material this rare, I doubt we’ll see any better. Thanks to the modest anonymous donor, who sent me this a while ago.


Suefan said…

Thanks YMG, rare stuff indeed.

18 September 2011 16:51

PattiforPM said…

Thanks for this YMG. The ladies did really seem to have fun doing the JD show to me. I love Ruth’s fumbling of the Kazoo too.

26 September 2011 01:25

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Ruby Flipper – This Is It

Top of the Pops, 27 may 1976: Ruby Flipper dance to This Is It by Melba Moore.

Thanks to Andeebee for the YouTube post.

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Cherry of Ruby Flipper – Shake It Down

Top of the Pops, 20th May 1976: Mud perform Shake It Down,
While Cherry Gillespie of Ruby Flipper dances.

Thanks to ASmK for the Youtube post.

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Pan’s People – Girl Talk

The Jack Jones Show, 20th January 1974:
Pan’s People bathe while Jack sings Girl Talk.

From the old blog, Friday, 11 July 2014:

Here’s a Pan’s People routine that’s definitely from The Jack Jones Show. I can be sure of it, because Jack himself is in it. Lucky old Jack gets to sit around in a Middle Eastern boudoir and sing “Girl Talk” while Pan’s People take a leisurely bath. What, no dancing?

But soon enough they’re climbing out of the bath and into towels, with some nifty camera movements protecting their modesty. Then there’s a little pause to adjust those towels. Actually it’s quite a long pause. What’s going on?

Aha! One by one, the towels are cast aside to reveal fabulously skimpy harem belly-dancer-type outfits. Now the general arabian nights decor is staring to make sense. And the dancing begins. From the same edition of the Jack Jones Show, as the Life is What You Make It clip I posted last week, broadcast 20th January 1974.

I’m grateful to two contributors who both separately sent me this clip: my recent anonymous donor, and long-time contributor PattiforPM. Since the anonymous version has an electronic timecode in picture, I’ve posted PattiforPM’s timecode free version.

Why the coincidence? I can only assume that they were both sitting watching Top of the Pops last week, eagerly awaiting Legs & Co., when this Dave Edmunds number reminded them of something…

My thanks to both Anonymous and PattiforPM for their time and generosity.


mojo2007 said…

As A 14 year old I saw Kismet in London, my love of fake Arabian outfits dates from that show. OK there’s not much dancing but I don’t care.
11 July 2014 16:24

Young Mister Grace said…

Thanks mojo: if you like this, you’ll love this scene from the Monkee’s movie, “Head”:
11 July 2014 16:29

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Pan’s People – Jack Jones show (excerpt)

Here’s a couple of tantalisingly brief clips from The titles of the 1974 Jack Jones Show, featuring Pan’s People.

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Ruby Flipper – Soul City Walk

Top of the Pops 13th May 1976: Ruby Flipper dance to Archie Bell & the Drells’ Soul City Walk.

Thanks to ASmK for the YouTube post.

From the old blog, Wednesday, 30 December 2009

From the second week of Ruby Flipper’s run on TOTP, first broadcast on 13th May 1976. Here they dance to Archie Bell & the Drells’ Soul City Walk.

Taken again from Einsfestival’s re-broadcast of the original 1976 show. As before, nyrainbow4 has kindly posted a version of this clip on YouTube, but the Copyright Gestapo have forced him to replace the original soundtrack with something innocuous.


74benja81 said:
I didn’t mind Ruby Flipper, even though I am a Legs and Co man myself, and was glad to see them arrive. I think out of the males, Floyd was great in Ruby Flipper, and made them if I am honest, great mover very witty and a good actor with full of character. Love this song, and I like the set and dance routine to it, for that time it was pretty good going. Sue dances and looks extremely gorgeous in those tight jeans and heels she wears for this shoot, and that look hasn’t dated to today. A nice post. Benja 🙂
12 December 2011 00:02

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Ruby Flipper – Love Hangover

Top of the Pops May 13 1976: Ruby Flipper dancing to Love Hangover by Diana Ross.

From the old blog, Wednesday, 30 December 2009:

Continuing with German satallite channel Einsfestival’s re-broadcasting of vintage Ruby-Flipper-era TOTP episodes, here’s RF dancing to Diana Ross’s Love Hangover on their second week on the show (13th May 1976): some sensuous, slinky dancing to a very sensual piece of music. The producers seemed keen to use Ruby Flipper far more extensively than their predecessors: after two performances on their first week, there are two full-group routines on this show, plus a third with just Floyd, Sue & Lulu. More details in later posts.

Thanks to Andeebee for the YouTube post.


Some Guy said…

Wow what a sexy sort of performance for 1976. Bet the BBC bigwigs were a bit twitchy about this.

13 November 2010 23:09

Carl said…

Love it, Love it, Love it.
Smouldering sultriness and Disco Funk come together. One of my favourite Ruby Flipper routines.

20 January 2011 19:48

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Ruby Flipper – My Resistance is Low

Version 1

Top of the Pops, 6 May 1976:
Ruby Flipper dance to My Resistance is Low by Robin Sarstedt

It’s Ruby Flipper’s first week on Top of the Pops and the boys are all dropped, for this routine in retro thirties-era cocktail frocks, supporting Robin Sarstedt.

Version 2

Top of the Pops, 20 May 1976: My Resistance is Low by Robin Sarstedt

Two weeks later, and Robin is back: this time without Ruby Flipper, except for a few illustrative video overlay shots of the lovely Miss Hammond’s face.

Thanks to Andeebee and panspeople.com for the youtube posts.

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Ruby Flipper – Can’t Help Falling in Love

Top of the Pops 6 May 1976: Ruby Flipper dance to Can’t Help Falling in Love by The Stylistics. Ruby Flipper’s Debut performance.

From the old blog, Tuesday, 15 December 2009:

German satallite channel Einsfestival’s repeats of TOTP have reached the middle of 1976 recently, the time of Ruby Flipper. Though I wasn’t a fan at the time, I think their performances have stood up well to the passing years. A mixture of male and female dancers, though not popular, gave Flick a wider range of choreographic possibilities, and indeed pushed them away from various chorus-line dance clichés.

Here’s their very first appearance, dancing to the Stylistics Can’t Help Falling in Love: and there’s a mixture of playfulness with old-style literal interpretation. The routine starts with Sue and Cherry (the two remaining pan’s persons) looking bemused as they dance together. “Where are they others?” they mime. Then, right on the line “Only fools rush in”, the four new dancers, er, rush in.

Lulu’s looking particularly nervous (1:09–1:15) about her national TV debut. But she pulls it of splendidly.


Some Guy said…

Top of the pops debut and it shows for lulu. look out at at 2.21 for a nervous glimpse down the line. Still very cute though.
7 November 2010 00:07

carl said…

I think the way they did this was brilliant, with the initial link back to Pan’s People with only Sue and Cherry on the stage for the first few seconds shrugging shoulders and looking perplexed The viewers must have been waiting for the rest of Pan’s People and wondering were they were.Then suddenly all the new brigade come charging in, very cleverly timed for the ‘Only Fools Rush in’ line. The Flipsters’ first routine, like their last one, was a good one.
12 December 2010 16:10

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