Tag Archives: Cherry

Pan’s People – Do You Wanna Dance

TOTP 15 November 1973: Pan’s People dance to Do You Wanna Dance by Barry Blue.

From the old blog, Friday, 19 November 2010:

Louise-period Pan’s People, in colourful outfits, with what I think are strawberry patches on their bums, and those white-gold dancer’s heels that they wear in a lot of performances around this time. Can you tell I’ve watched this many times? Can you blame me?

Yes, I’ve seen this clip a thousand times: but I’ve just seen something glaringly obvious that I never noticed before. If you don’t want to spoil the fun, scroll up a bit and watch the clip before you read the next bit.

Okay, everybody watched the clip? Did you notice anything? In the audience? No? You didn’t notice that there’s a Womble in the audience? Yes, that’s right: a five-foot Womble. Right there. Go on, watch it again

…and if anyone did see it first time: how can you call yourself a Pan’s People fan?

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Pan’s People – Altar Rock

Pan’s People on The Tow Ronnies, dancing to Bobby Keys’ Altar Rock.

What’s this tune called then? It’s from Bobby Keys’ self-titled 1972 solo album: both Amazon and iTunes call it “Bootleg”. But here’s Bobby himself in 2012, playing the song he calls “Bootleg”. It seems pretty clear to me that this is the tune that Amazon & iTunes call “Crispy Duck”.

So what’s our tune called then? This guy on Youtube has uploaded the whole album: he’s got “Bootleg” right (i.e. he agrees with Bobby Keys) and he calls this tune “Altar Rock“. That’ll do for me.

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Pan’s People – Foot Stompin’ Music

Top of the Pops, 24th July 1975:
Pan’s People dance to Foot Stompin’ Music by Hamilton Bohannon,

Yes, Bing: a fine performance, with plenty of gusto, to a solid groove from Hamilton Bohannon, an early practitioner of that kind of heavy, beat-landen funky soul music that was rapidly evolving into full-on Disco music around this time.

Ripped clothes are usually dramatic shorthand fort either a “desert island” scenario, or that of a post-apocalyptic society, but I’m already in danger of over-analysing these outfits. Let’s just assume that their various states of dishevelment are the result of all the foot stompin’ that they’ve been doing.

No honestly, I mean it: only the previous month, on the 19th of June 1975, Pan’s People were dancing to another Hamilton Bohannon song on TOTP. Given the name, “Disco Stomp”, we can assume that a fair amount of foot stomping’ would have been going on there. Unfortunately there’s no publicly available copy of this routine for me to show you.

But no, wait a minute: thanks to Andeebee, there’s a tiny snippet here. Cheers Andeebee.

And thanks to YouTuber ASmK for this routine.

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Ruby Flipper – Harvest for the World

TOTP 22 July 1976: Ruby Flipper dance to The Isley Brothers’ Harvest for the World.

From the old blog, Sunday, 28 February 2010:

Ruby Flipper dance to The Isley Brothers Harvest for the World on TOTP, 22 July 1976. With a little audience participation, and beardie old DLT.

From Einsfestival’s re-broadcast: thanks.


PattiforPM said…

The always dodgy practice of grabbing audience members to dance fails again but the girls look ravishing I must say nevertheless.

30 April 2011 02:49

Alex said…

I’ve mentioned this on another site about Lloyd’s choice of dancing partner from the audience. It looks like the group’s manager, Ruth Person herself!

30 November 2011 21:05

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Pan’s People – Hip-Hug Her

Update, 13 February 2015: broken video clip replaced.

Here’s a Pan’s People performance from their residency on The Two Ronnies (1973-4): dancing to Booker T and the MGs, “Hip-Hug Her”.

From the old blog, Thursday, 5 June 2014:

I think the lack of stress here is palpable: This is a seasoned dance group and choreographer, used to working week-in, week-out on a shown where they often have a mere two days to create and rehearse a full routine. By contrast, here they get to select the music: and though it’s a weekly show, they won’t ever have to scrap the routine and start again halfway through the week. The result is a relaxed, fun performance of a routine which, while light-weight, is nonetheless complex and sophisticated. All of the dancers are on top form, including the sainted Louise: Ruth just shines, and I don’t think I’ve seen a better performance from Dee Dee.

Magical Stuff.

Thanks to panspeople.com for the YouTube post.

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Ruby Flipper – Back in the USSR

Top of the Pops, 15 July 1976:
Ruby Flipper dance to The Beatles’ Back in the USSR.

Ruby Flipper go Soviet: the girls in peasant smocks, the guys as furried-up cossacks. EMI had re-released (or rather re-promoted) all of their Beatles singles catalogue in 1976, with the result of a smattering of old Beatles numbers in the charts that summer, including this one.

From the old blog, Monday, 15 February 2010:

Ruby Flipper dancing to the Beatles’ Back in the USSR: their first of two appearances on Top of the Pops, 15 Juy 1976. Introduced by Panurus Biarmicus, with some shockingly bad puns on the theme of Russia.

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Ruby Flipper – Silly Love Songs

TOTP 20 May 1976: Ruby Flipper dance to Silly Love Songs by Wings.

And whats wrong with that?

Thanks to Andeebee for the YouTube post.

from the old blog, Monday, 11 July 2011

I’ve posted this routine before, way back, but a recent showing in BBC 4’s TOTP repeats means I can give you this much improved version.


PattiforPM said…

Now this is more like it. Stunning ladies and there’s nothing silly at all about this love. Now if Sue had just managed to sneak into the routine this would be near the top of my list.
11 July 2011 13:20

Suefan said…

Hear hear. Lets have more SLS and less TVC I say. Quite a little corker isn’t she, aren’t they, isn’t it.
11 July 2011 13:30

Some Guy said…
Such a shame its Sueless, but how lovely do these three look, with the `teen in green` just edging the cuteness stakes.
Okay, does my `over critical` eye spot Lulu messing up at 2.50, or am i being a little harsh. But then again, i think if anybody looks that sexy then they should be allowed the odd slip up at least.
11 July 2011 17:00

Carl said…
A nice RF routine with lots of individual variety in the three girls’ dance moves (how did they ever get into and out of those tiny costumes?)
And interesting RF trivia: this is the first of two Wings’ top ten hits that the Flipsters danced to in their 6 month run. And Paul Nicholas was the other lucky artist to get the RF treatment twice.
11 July 2011 20:24

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Pan’s People – Promised Land

Top of the Pops, 30 January 1975: Pan’s People Dance to Elvis Presley’s Promised Land.

Thanks to another of those generous anonymous donors, here’s a rare Pan’s People performance to enjoy. Ruth, Cherry, Sue and Babs dance to Elvis Presley’s up-tempo rocking cover of Chuck Berry’s classic travelling song.

Dancing against bluescreen projections of US highway scenes, those satin jackets (personalised with pocket-embroidered names) and scarfs have an aviation feel, which goes with the songs’ “across America by bus, train and plane” lyrical theme. and their black hot-pants & go-go boots just say “1975”.

Check Berry’s original version of the song is well worth a listen, of course: but this song is one of those rare cases where the definitive version is not the original, but a cover: Johnnie Allen’s swamp-pop version.

I must say thanks again to my generous contributor, for this treat.

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Pan’s People – Midnight Rider

Top of the Pops, 22 January 1976:
Pan’s People dancing to Paul Davidson’ Midnight Rider.

Pan’s People wearing spangly midriff-baring showgirl/cowgirl outfits, dancing to Paul Davidson’s reggae cover version of the Allman Brothers’ Midnight Rider.

I’m sure I have to thank someone generous for sending me this rare gem of a clip: unfortunately I can’t remember who. Please get in touch, and I’ll give you a credit.

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Pan’s People – Itchycoo Park

Top of the Pops, 8 January 1976:
Pan’s People dance to Itchycoo Park by The Small Faces.

Late period Pan’s People relive the sixties dancing to a Small Faces classic, around a giant mushroom, wearing groovy crocheted shawls. Topped and tailed with Noel Edmonds demonstrating that he truly was the TOTP Bad Pun Champion.

Thanks top Andeebee for the YouTube post (and to Vintage Video who supplied him with the clip).

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