27 January 1974, The Jack Jones Show: Pan’s People dance while Jack sings Do Me Wrong, But Do Me.
From the old blog, Monday, 3 November 2014:
I’ve received another generous, anonymous donation of a Pan’s people performance from their regular stint on Jack Jones’ 1974 BBC TV Show.
This time, the dancers appear and disappear, seemingly figments of Jack fevered imagination, as he sings Alan O’Days’ “Do Me Wrong, But Do Me”.
Jack’s in a long tradition of smooth, handsome male light-entertainment vocalists, but he has his own ordinary-bloke quality that shows to good effect here, in a routine which portrays him as your average, girl-obsessed young man.
Not much to please fans of high-art choreography here, since the dancing nicely matches the laid-back groove of the music.
Thanks again to my anonymous donor (one of many) for this rare little gem.