TOTP 18 November 1971: Pan’s People dance to Let’s See Action by The Who
From the old blog, Friday, 27 June 2014:
After a few months of inactivity, it’s great to have so many new clips to be able to post on this site, thanks to so many generous people. Here’s a clip that I’ve received from two separate donors: Pan’s People dancing to The Who’s Let’s See Action on on Top of the Pops, 18 November 1971.
We’ve got three separate performances here: Louise, Babs and Dee Dee as cheerleaders for the strident Roger Daltry choruses; Ruth and Andi in big satin frocks for the more introspective Pete Townsend middle bit; and Flick some groovy tinselly gogo dancing inserts. It’s difficult to tell in black and white, but the slight posterising effects in the Flick segments suggest some kind of electronic manipulation was going on in the colour original version.
Thanks to Pans Legs and to Anonymous for the clips, of course.