Category Archives: Lulu Show

Pan’s People & Lulu – Mercy

The Lulu Show, 1969: Pan’s People & Lulu dance to Willie Mitchell’s Mercy. From the old blog, Tuesday, 1 July 2014: Thanks to my anonymous contributor, here’s another Pan’s people performance from The Lulu Show. This time Lulu herself is dancing with them, along with two blokes whose names I don’t have. As Lulu says […]

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Pan’s People – Funky Street

The Lulu Show, 1 February 1969: Pan’s People dance, Lulu sings Funky Street. From the old blog, Tuesday 7 February 2012: Here’s a rarity, posted by Flight14 over at It’s Pan’s People on Lulu’s* TV show, Happening for Lulu on February 1 1969, dancing to Lulu’s Funky Street along with a couple of blokes. […]

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