Legs & Co. – Dance Dance Dance

Top of the Pops, 8th Dec 1977: Legs & Co dance to Chic’s Dance Dance Dance

Some lovely spangley showgirl outfits here, as Legs & Co. shake a tail feather to this Chic disco classic.

I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again: Yowsah! Yowsah! Yowsah!

Thanks to ASmK for the Youtube post.

From the old site, Saturday, 22 December 2012:

Tony Blackburn introduces Legs & Co. performing to Dance Dance Dance by Chic (although Toe Knee seems to be under the impression that they’re called “Chick”). We’ve had a low-grade version of this clip on the blog before, but BBC4’s recent re-broadcast alows me to post this much higher-quality version, so now we can see every sparkly sequin.

Yowsah! Yowsah! Yowsah!

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Legs & Co. – Funky Town

Top of the Pops Christmas Special, 25 December 1980: Legs & Co. dance to Lipps Inc.’s Funky Town.

Fromm the old blog, Thursday, 19 May 2011:

Here’s a much improved version of Legs & Co.’s Christmas 1980 performance, dancing to Funky Town by Lipps Inc. The short sequence with Old Mister Saville and Young Mister Powell, previously posted separately, is here restored to the end of the dance routine.


Suefan said…

Thanks YMG for the improved clip. I suspect this routine took several takes, given the temperamental nature of some of the toys, as evidenced by Sue’s magic powers and a Gill moment. One has to envy that basset hound, first in Sue’s arms, then in Gill’s. No wonder he’s wagging his tail!
19 May 2011 12:05

Some Guy said…

Thanks YMG for this, its a real treat to see a better quality version of this. Wouldnt it be cool if we could find better clips of other routines too.
19 May 2011 17:17

jez said…
yes its definitley had a one bit put together, especially on sues shot at one point with the camera
21 May 2011 13:20

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Pan’s People – Do Me Wrong, But Do Me

27 January 1974, The Jack Jones Show: Pan’s People dance while Jack sings Do Me Wrong, But Do Me.

From the old blog, Monday, 3 November 2014:

I’ve received another generous, anonymous donation of a Pan’s people performance from their regular stint on Jack Jones’ 1974 BBC TV Show.

This time, the dancers appear and disappear, seemingly figments of Jack fevered imagination, as he sings Alan O’Days’ “Do Me Wrong, But Do Me”.

Jack’s in a long tradition of smooth, handsome male light-entertainment vocalists, but he has his own ordinary-bloke quality that shows to good effect here, in a routine which portrays him as your average, girl-obsessed young man.

Not much to please fans of high-art choreography here, since the dancing nicely matches the laid-back groove of the music.

Thanks again to my anonymous donor (one of many) for this rare little gem.

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Legs & Co – Hopelessly Devoted To You

Top of the Pops, 9th November 1978: Legs & Co. dance to Hopelessly Devoted To You by Olivia Newton John.

From the all-conquering “Grease” soundtrack: Legs & Co. don some rather over-the-top frilly nighties to perform to this forlorn Olivia Newton John ballad. Somehow the silver dancing shoes don’t seem to fit right with the lacey nightwear and the plush little carpets, but wait a minute… what am I doing finding fault with what is, after all, intended as a confection? It’s a delicious pleasure to watch, that’s all that matters.

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Legs & Co. – Dance (Disco Heat)

TOTP November 23rd 1978: Legs & Co. dancing to Sylvester’s Dance (Disco Heat).

From the old blog, Friday, 18 July 2014:

Around a minute-and-a-half in, the lighting engineers seems to have woken up in panic “What? Sylvester? I’m supposed to dim the lights right down for a special effect here, aren’t I?” and the lights start fading. Cue shouts from the gallery. “You idiot! That was the last one!” laughs the sound engineer at the next desk. Soon everything is restored.

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Pan’s People on “Night Club” 1972

Fixed version of a couple of Pan’s People rarities, first posted in 2016.

Here’s an early Christmas present, courtesy of forum regular Gaz: two extremely rare clips of Pan’s People performances from BBC2 Light Entertainment show “Night Club”.

Both routines show evidence of the complex choreographic Flick Colby was capable of with enough preparation and rehearsal time, outwith the constant mad dash of TOTP production.

1. Nothing Can Stop Me Now by Barry Crocker

17 August 1972: recorded at The Talk of the Town, London

This showstopper from 1965 musical “The Roar of the Greasepaint, The Smell of the Crowd” sees Pan’s people in Corset & Bodice outfits, during an energetic, complicated routine with skipping ropes while Barry Crocker (now probably best know for this) sings.

2. Theme From Shaft

20 November 1972: recorded in Munich

Pan’s People dance to Isaac Heyes classic film theme in suits.
I’ve no information as to the identity of the orchestra, but I presume, given the venue, that they’re German. And on the whole, they give a good account of themselves with this performance, but with one glaring exception: the bass guitarist. It’s pretty clear from his performance (and in “Shaft” the bass is at times the lead instrument) that he has never heard the original piece of music he’s playing. I think he’s probably sight-reading the music, Particularly at the dramatic central rapid triplet motif (“Baddle-it! Baddle-it! Baddle-it! Bam!) This guy gets the emphasis totally wrong (“Dah-de-doo! Dah-de-doo! Dah-de-doo! Duh!). pretty much ruining the performance for me I’m afraid.

Aside from my moans about the bass player, these are two top quality (in performance terms, if not reproduction) routines by Pan’s People. Many thanks to Gaz for unearthing and contributing them, and to Ryan for organising getting them to me.

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Pan’s People – More More More

Top of the Pops 29 April 1976,
Pan’s People dancing to The Andrea True Connection’s More More More.

Thanks to Andeebee for the YouTube post.

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Pan’s People – You Sexy Sugar Plum

Top of the Pops, 22 April 1976: Pan’s People dance to Rodger Collins’ You Sexy Sugar Plum.

Update 5 May 2023: A better quality version found on YouTube.

From the old blog, Tuesday, 2 November 2010:

Mary’s presence places this in the late period of Pan’s People’s reign on TOTP. Even though those outfits look like they came from charity shops, their brevity seems to fit well with the song title: You Sexy Sugar Plum by Roger Collins.


Some Guy said…

Not seen this one before, so thanks young mister grace for posted it. Not sure if its possible for a fresh faced sue menhenick to look any fitter.
7 November 2010 00:30

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Legs & Co. – Love’s Unkind

TOTP, 22 December 1977: Legs & Co. dance to Donna Summer’s Love’s Unkind.

From the old blog, Friday, 18 November 2011:

Here’s another update to an old, non-embedded clip post. This time, Legs & Co. dance to Donna Summer’s Love’s Unkind. Lots of classic literal interpretation here. I would observe that the set decor seems to have an “Homage to Tetris” theme, except I’m pretty sure this clip predates the addictive Russian game by a few years. So Tetris is, in fact, a tribute to this dance routine! Or something. Yay!


Suefan said…

Well it must be those hats as whenever I watch this routine I think of Bertie Bassetts liquorice allsorts. Good to see Pauline and Rosie getting a little more camera time than is the norm but there’s still only one little sweetie for me.

18 November 2011 09:53

PattiforPM said…

Yes the ladies are rather like “candies” in this one, as we would say on this side of the Atlantic. Bright and sweet and I can’t let this one go without mentioning Patti hitting the 300 mark on the Blog. Congratulations

18 November 2011 14:58

Some Guy said…

Thanks for posting this YMG, quite simply my favourite Legs & Co routine ever. Those pink and yellow outfits do it for me, love the dance moves also.

18 November 2011 16:29

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Legs & Co. – Bermuda Triangle

Top of the Pops, 23rd of April 1981: Legs & Co. dance to to Barry Manilow’s Bermuda Triangle.

Splashy fun in colourful bikinis, in the TOTP paddling pool.

This clip is dedicated to the old blog’s original commentator Hadeel, who first requested it.

Update 2021:Thanks to OFTD blog guru Doc for sending me this version, with much-improved video quality.

From the old blog, Wednesday, 6 August 2014 :

There was something familiar about that Hot Gossip clip that I posted last week: something it reminded me of. I think it that set design based predominantly around the triangle. Triangles, yes. I know what it was: Bermuda Triangle. Legs & Co splashed around in a few inches of water in front of a similarly triangle-heavy set to Barry Manilow’s song about love in the dangerous North Atlantic. Okay it’s a much simpler set, but it’s still a bunch of big triangles.

You can imagine the TOTP set designers train of thought: “Well, we could spend all week setting up fake palm trees and an azure sky backdrop to get the studio looking like a tropical beach: but the effect would be ruined by our paddling pool looking like a giant black bin-liner. Also, with Legs & Co. dancing in skimpy bikinis, who’s going to be looking at the set design anyway? So let’s just set up a couple of huge canvas triangles instead.”

I’ll get around to posting the Hot Gossip clip mentioned here eventually, along with various others. Right now I’m concentrating on replacing the core TOTP performances from the lost blog.

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