Tag Archives: Rosemary

Legs & Co. – Dance Dance Dance

Top of the Pops, 8th Dec 1977: Legs & Co dance to Chic’s Dance Dance Dance

Some lovely spangley showgirl outfits here, as Legs & Co. shake a tail feather to this Chic disco classic.

I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again: Yowsah! Yowsah! Yowsah!

Thanks to ASmK for the Youtube post.

From the old site, Saturday, 22 December 2012:

Tony Blackburn introduces Legs & Co. performing to Dance Dance Dance by Chic (although Toe Knee seems to be under the impression that they’re called “Chick”). We’ve had a low-grade version of this clip on the blog before, but BBC4’s recent re-broadcast alows me to post this much higher-quality version, so now we can see every sparkly sequin.

Yowsah! Yowsah! Yowsah!

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Legs & Co. – Funky Town

Top of the Pops Christmas Special, 25 December 1980: Legs & Co. dance to Lipps Inc.’s Funky Town.

Fromm the old blog, Thursday, 19 May 2011:

Here’s a much improved version of Legs & Co.’s Christmas 1980 performance, dancing to Funky Town by Lipps Inc. The short sequence with Old Mister Saville and Young Mister Powell, previously posted separately, is here restored to the end of the dance routine.


Suefan said…

Thanks YMG for the improved clip. I suspect this routine took several takes, given the temperamental nature of some of the toys, as evidenced by Sue’s magic powers and a Gill moment. One has to envy that basset hound, first in Sue’s arms, then in Gill’s. No wonder he’s wagging his tail!
19 May 2011 12:05

Some Guy said…

Thanks YMG for this, its a real treat to see a better quality version of this. Wouldnt it be cool if we could find better clips of other routines too.
19 May 2011 17:17

jez said…
yes its definitley had a one bit put together, especially on sues shot at one point with the camera
21 May 2011 13:20

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Legs & Co – Hopelessly Devoted To You

Top of the Pops, 9th November 1978: Legs & Co. dance to Hopelessly Devoted To You by Olivia Newton John.

From the all-conquering “Grease” soundtrack: Legs & Co. don some rather over-the-top frilly nighties to perform to this forlorn Olivia Newton John ballad. Somehow the silver dancing shoes don’t seem to fit right with the lacey nightwear and the plush little carpets, but wait a minute… what am I doing finding fault with what is, after all, intended as a confection? It’s a delicious pleasure to watch, that’s all that matters.

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Legs & Co. – Dance (Disco Heat)

TOTP November 23rd 1978: Legs & Co. dancing to Sylvester’s Dance (Disco Heat).

From the old blog, Friday, 18 July 2014:

Around a minute-and-a-half in, the lighting engineers seems to have woken up in panic “What? Sylvester? I’m supposed to dim the lights right down for a special effect here, aren’t I?” and the lights start fading. Cue shouts from the gallery. “You idiot! That was the last one!” laughs the sound engineer at the next desk. Soon everything is restored.

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Legs & Co. – Love’s Unkind

TOTP, 22 December 1977: Legs & Co. dance to Donna Summer’s Love’s Unkind.

From the old blog, Friday, 18 November 2011:

Here’s another update to an old, non-embedded clip post. This time, Legs & Co. dance to Donna Summer’s Love’s Unkind. Lots of classic literal interpretation here. I would observe that the set decor seems to have an “Homage to Tetris” theme, except I’m pretty sure this clip predates the addictive Russian game by a few years. So Tetris is, in fact, a tribute to this dance routine! Or something. Yay!


Suefan said…

Well it must be those hats as whenever I watch this routine I think of Bertie Bassetts liquorice allsorts. Good to see Pauline and Rosie getting a little more camera time than is the norm but there’s still only one little sweetie for me.

18 November 2011 09:53

PattiforPM said…

Yes the ladies are rather like “candies” in this one, as we would say on this side of the Atlantic. Bright and sweet and I can’t let this one go without mentioning Patti hitting the 300 mark on the Blog. Congratulations

18 November 2011 14:58

Some Guy said…

Thanks for posting this YMG, quite simply my favourite Legs & Co routine ever. Those pink and yellow outfits do it for me, love the dance moves also.

18 November 2011 16:29

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Legs & Co. – Rock with You

Top of the Pops, 15 February 1980:
Legs & Co. dance to Rock With You by Michael Jackson.

Legs & Co. in big frilly sequinned ball gowns, dancing to a minor Michael Jackson hit: in front of a subdued, seated TOTP audience, as the mirrorball spins.

I’m not sure about Simes’ hyperbole in his introduction, though. “As you may never have seen them before.” Really?

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Legs & Co. – All Over The World

Top of the Pops, 14 August 1980:
Legs & Co. dance to All Over The World by The Electric Light orchestra (ELO).

From the old blog, Wednesday, 9 March 2011:

Here’s an international routine: Legs & Co. dancing to ELO’s All Over The World in costumes representing various countries.


Suefan said…

Who was that twit they found to introduce the girls. What a w*****. Some great costumes. That Swiss miss is a real hit.

9 MARCH 2011 16:35

Some Guy said…

Not a fan of Mr Daltrey then Suefan. Superb routine this, Yes i agree with the previous comment the swiss miss is so sexy in this clip, well like most clips actually.
Such a shame there isnt a better quality version of this,we could then appreciate the girls even more.

9 MARCH 2011 17:06

jez said…

when i first saw this routine in 1980 on totp i remember thinking to myself that was a good routine legs did tonite 31 years later and my thoughts are still the same

9 MARCH 2011 19:48

PattiforPM said…

The Girls look great but I long for a closer and clearer look at them in this routine as the outfits are great and the dance looks like great fun. I agree SueFan, Daltrey is a far better singer than presenter too

9 MARCH 2011 23:45

Update 7 July 2015: PattiforPM’s wishes are fulfilled, as we now have a much clear version of this clip, taken from a recent BBC4 Top of the Pops repeat.

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Legs & Co. – Ring My Bell

Top of the Pops Christmas Day Special, 25 December 1979: Legs & Co. dance to Anita Ward’s Ring My Bell.

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Legs & Co. – Fanfare for the Common Man

Top of the Pops 25 December 1977:
Legs & Co. dance to Fanfare for the Common Man by Emerson, Lake and Palmer.

Christmas Day on Top of the Pops: and what could be more christmassy than a pantomime? Of course the world of panto always had “One for the Dads”, in the shape of the Principal Boy. Traditionally in British pantomime, the male romantic lead character (and often his best pal too) would be played by a beautiful young woman, usually in tights and riding boots, performing an over-the-top parody of dashing maleness: threatening to run every other man through with his rapier, giving exaggerated hat-twirling bows to the ladies: but most of all, lots of thigh-slapping.

So for this Top of the Pops holiday special, we get six principal boys amongst the Christmas trees, in seriously sexy thigh boots and seriously short silken pirate blouses. Lots of hat-flourishing as part of the energetic choreography. But alas, no thigh-slapping.

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Legs & Co. – Maid in Heaven

TOTP 25 November 1976: Legs & Co. dance to Be Bop Deluxe’s Maid in Heaven

From the old blog: Wednesday, 11 August 2010:

On Top of the Pops, dancing to Maid in Heaven by Be Bop Deluxe. With an extra bit of Jimmy Savile and his own special brand of creepy pervness. I posted a fuzzier VHS-sourced version of this a while back. This one’s cleaner and sharper.

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